Welcome from Amy D. Unsworth

Language, Literature, Learning & Life.

More books on the way

The 'net seems full of announcements about publications these days. Steve Mueske has a book forthcoming from Ghost Road Press: A Mnemonic for Desire. And recently I recieved a flyer from Word Press that David Cazden's Moving Picture has also been released. Congratulations, I believe, are in order.



steve mueske said...

Hi, Amy, thanks for the mention! I appreciate it. The release date has been moved up to February, so I'm frantically getting everything together for it. BTW, still waiting for the Digerati stuff from you ...


Amy D. Unsworth said...

I'm looking forward to my copy. It's really exciting to see so many of the on-line community find homes for their books.

and check your mail, I've finally managed to stuff an envelope and send it your way.